ZFCBC Weekly Services
Our in-person service begins with prayer at 9:15 am, Worship service resumes at 10:00 am.  Sunday’s service will be live streamed on Facebook at 10:30 am.

Outreach Ministry

Thank You ZFCBC family for the love and support you give to The Olive Branch Mission. Your donations help to meet the needs of the OBM residents. The OBM is seeking donations of white twin sheet sets, light weight twin blankets, unisex sweatpants and long sleeve sweatshirts (any color). If you have any questions, see Sis. Christine Pollard.

ZFCBC Adult Christian Education & Formation
ZFCBC Christian Education & Formation will meet the 2nd Sunday of every month. Our next meeting will be October 13th. Hope you can join us!

ZFCBC Youth Christian Education & Formation

Praise God!!! ZFCBC Youth Christian Education & Formation has been blessed to resume our Christian education class on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. We will serve children ages 4-6. The class will be held from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. If you have any questions, please see Deacon Kothyn Alexander.

Announcement Request

To have an announcement read on Sunday, complete and submit an Announcement Request Form, available at the kiosk in the hall. Return the completed form to the Admin Office or you can email us at Please submit 2 weeks ahead of announcement date.

Member Information Update

The Admin Office is updating ZFCBC Members information. Please check with the Admin Office to update your contact information. If any member has not received a birthday card from ZFCBC, please complete your membership card.

ZFC House Reminders

  • No Recording Devices
  • Place phones on mute or turn them off
  • Parents, please escort your children to and from the bathroom
ZFC December Birthdays
  • Jada Terrell, 15th
  • Siobhan Kelsie 19th
  • Malaika Gay, 28th
  • Shalisha Little-Daniel 31st